Saturday, November 9, 2013

Time is FLYING by!!!

SO much has happened, that I forgot I had a blog! Really, I forgot completely that I was not documenting the fun times I have been having here.

Let's back track to a few weeks ago.... I made some more American goodies for my students and forced them to eat some chocolate chip cookies. They LOVED them and I made sure the world found out about their new experience :) (If you are curious about this thing, it is called What YOUth Eat and you can find it on facebook.)

 Now a few days later,

....there were birthday celebrations (including my own... yes, I am now 23 years old). I went to Ceskebudejovice and Prague to celebrate with friends and other birthday folks :) (My birthday was not the only one during that time.)

Then I threw a Halloween party for my students :) We decorated treats, ate treats and finally watched a movie. It was loads of fun! 

I fed my student cake-pops.... I love cake pops.

 More recently, I have been attending parties with my colleagues and students. We are celebrating the fact that they will be completing their last year of Gymnasium in May. So, we made sure to have some good fun together (at a pub of course!). I actually went to two parties like the one pictured below.

Although these are many wonderful experiences, I have been experiencing some culture shock.... For example, seeing children pee in the street; accidentally attending mixed/nude saunas; finding houses made from styrofoam.... and making "American" foods with make-shift ingredients.


Even though it is sometimes difficult for me to overcome the cultural differences, I am still learning the language and trying to enjoy the good things in life.... Besides, my amazing colleagues and students have always helped me overcome anything that makes me sad!

Also, I fed my students guacomole on Friday (no there's no photo). It was their first time eating it and ... well, the girls liked it, but not the boys.

AHOJ! Until next time!